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Mathew Tajeu - Student, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Dr. Weldon Kibet Ng’eno - Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya


The pastoral production system in the Kenya region was in a crisis state since it could no longer meet the fundamental demands of the population, whose very survival was closely related to the success of this sector. The crisis was based on the emergencies that were faced, such as drought, which threatened the livestock and thus threatened the livelihood of the pastoralist community. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effects of water supply on their livelihoods in Kajiado County. This study was guided by the Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF). The study employed a descriptive survey design, targeting stakeholders involved in emergency livestock interventions, including government departments, NGOs, veterinary officials, and county leaders. The researcher targeted 169 relevant Government of Kenya line department officials, 83 NGO officials, 48 veterinary officials, and 78 county leaders in charge of livestock management, totaling 378 individuals. Stratified random sampling was utilized, with a sample size of 113 individuals. Research instruments included a questionnaire with structured and unstructured questions, validated through content validity and assessed for reliability using Cronbach's alpha. Water tracking techniques and community participation were effective in providing timely water access during dry periods. Dams, pans, boreholes, and water tanks played critical roles in enhancing water availability and resilience against water scarcity.

Full Length Research (PDF Format)